
New Fueling Station for Vessals at the Max Marine Facility

The City of South Pasadena has granted Max Marine a permit to install a fueling station on their property which borders our marina.  Several Pasadena Cove boaters voiced opposition to  this measure.  Their objections were based on  environmental issues such as contamination of the waters from accidental fuel spills.  Since this fueling facility will be open to the general public we can expect an increase in water traffic in the cove.  Some felt that the increased traffic could present security issues for our boat owners and troublesome to the wild life that inhabit the waters and mangroves bordering the Cove. 

The affects of these issues at the moment are speculative.  We are all hopeful that problems do not develop, however, it behooves us all to be watchful and to report any indications of spillage or an increase of intrusions or bad behavior on the Pasadena Cove areas of our waters.

Status of the Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS)

We have received a Draft of the Structural Integrity Reserve Study (SIRS).  The report in being reviewed and may be modified after consultation with Universal Enginering   (UAE) the licensed structural engineering firm we employed to perform the Milestone Study and the SIRS.

Hurricane Preparation 2023

This author, along with Director Linda Laplante, Brenda Patterson and Ric O'Connor were assign the job of rewriting the 2022 Hurricane bring it up to date with our present situation.  It was presented to the Board of Directors at the 6/13/2023 meeting and was accepted unanimously. 

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was also drafted.  The SOP defines the duties of the Building Coordinators (Building Captains) to include placing the Elevator in and out of service when directed to do so by Management.  The Building Coordinators received training, conducted by Director Linda Laplante who is also a qualified Elevator Technician.  This document also appoints Dan Chastain as Senior Advisor to the Building Coordinators. 

Other Board of Director Items

The Site Manager reported on the new approach of lawn maintenance which will begin on 1 July.   We will no longer contract with West Coast and will rely on one of our maintenance staff to bring the task in-house.   Equipment to facilitate this change is expected to arrive soon in time to begin on schedule.  If the equipment (Rider Mower and battery driven Blowers) we will rent similar equipment until ours is operational.

 The Pasadena Cove Owners Association’s Board of Directors decided that a special assessment to pay for new roofs and insurance will not be necessary at this time since we have adequate reserves to cover our unexpected costs.  The Board will look at our finances and account balances again this fall during the budget process.  It is our intent to restore operating and maintenance reserves over the next few years using monthly maintenance fees rather than a special assessment.  The Walkway Repair, which was on the agenda, has been postponed  for a later meeting.